Registration Fee and Schedule:
* Early Bird Rate (Until April 30, 2025): $89.90/person (with commemorative pin for the first 300 registrants)
* Regular Rate (Until May 31, 2025): $99.90/person (no commemorative pin)
* Late Rate (Until June 30, 2025): $109.90/ person (no commemorative pin)
Note: The fee is inclusive of a camporee shirt and admission to camp and to all fun activities.
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
Requests for cancellation and refund will be accepted if done in writing (via e-mail or regular mail) no later than June 30, 2025, and it will be subject to a 20 % administrative fee.
Brave Camporee 2025 Theme Song Contest
- The song contest is open to Ontario Adventurers and their parents, who are registered and actively participating with their local Adventurer club.
- The song must be an original composition.
- Contestants are permitted to work in groups; however, only one (1) prize will be awarded regardless of group size.
- Lyrics should reflect the camporee theme, “Brave.” You may also get inspiration from the story of Queen Esther.
- The song should be catchy, moving, and have a Christ-centered message
- Length should be 1-2 minutes only.
- Submission should include:
- A recording of the song (mp3 or similar file format)
- A lyric sheet with score (including melody line and chords)
- Lyrics of theme song saved in a Word document
- Cover email/letter containing contact information (name, complete mailing address, email address, daytime telephone number/cell phone number, and church/club membership) of the composer(s).
- A music video in MP4 format
- If possible, make a French translation, but not mandatory
Deadline for Submission
Submit theme song entry via the www.ontarioadventurers.ca website no later than 11:59 PM, June 30, 2025.
Use of Selected Song
The selected song will be the theme song for the Ontario Conference “Brave” Adventurer Camporee 2025. In addition, the successful composer(s) will be invited to perform the song live at the opening ceremonies.
Please note that the Adventurer Department of the Ontario Conference must have the right to use or perform the selected song in any format at any time without the need for permission from or compensation paid to the composer or other copyright holder. Another song may be selected if the finalist cannot meet these conditions.
One (1) gift card worth $100 and a music trophy will be awarded to the winning entry regardless of the number of individuals involved.